A community campaign has been launched to improve youth facilities in Cambuslang and help combat anti-social behaviour.  A petition to the Scottish Parliament is open on change.org here.  

The petition says: “It seems people are now mostly in agreement that a change is needed for the local youths in Cambuslang and surrounding areas.  The destruction taking place at the public park on a weekly basis is now getting out of hand, with bottles being smashed, litter being dropped and large crowds gathering and intimidating others.  It’s seems both the residents and the young people agree that the majority of them only do this as there are no other alternatives available for them in the local area. It’s about time something was done to change the perception of young people in Cambuslang and also for local officials to help put something in place for 12-18 year olds that may stop them seeing the public park as the only option for entertainment at a weekend.  For any action to take place, Cambuslang and other affected areas need to come together and address the issues at play.”