Cambuslang Community Council were invited speakers at the South Lanarkshire Community Planning Partnership Conference on 9th December 2019. Our Vice-Chair, Michelle Farmer, hosted a workshop outlining the story of our regeneration strategy, which developed from consultations with the community and business sector, applications for small grants to improve the environment (including creating a new Cambuslang in Bloom group), lobbying elected members and officials, and eventually getting agreement with south Lanarkshire Council to develop a regeneration strategy specifically for Cambuslang.

We also created a new ‘Cambuslang Future’ group (with its own newsletter) which worked with South Lanarkshire Council officials for c.18 months to produce a Strategy and Action Plan for Cambuslang Town Centre. The first steps towards implementation have been taken with our successful application for funding to the Scottish Government’s Town Centre Fund and an award of £620,000 for the resurfacing of the pavement along part of the Main Street.

The presentation given by Michelle Farmer at the Conference workshop is here.

A copy of our Town Centre Regeneration Strategy, developed together with South Lanarkshire Council, is here.